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Fujisawa-sensei having a great laugh.  From TV episode 18.
Fujisawa looks serious.  Now that IS new!
Fujisawa blushes.  Probably at Miss Miz!
Jinnai Katsuhiko doing what he does best...look like a crazy man!
Jinnai really loves the Bugrom style of home cooking!
Jinnai sneers.  Nothing new here!
Same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world!!
Makoto beats feet, briefcase in hand.
A dramatic shot of Makoto in his Ura-armor.
Makoto's eyes, the driving force that moves the story of El Hazard forward.
Makoto under a dome.
Jinnai Nanami, at her restaurant.  Great book cel!
Nanami is so surprised, she's cross-eyed!

Makoto beats feet, briefcase in hand.
Sequence: C7
Layers: 1
Sketch: None
Background: None

El Hazard - Humans (13)
I had a week full of remarkable surprises in the mail. Unexpected cels kept showing up from hither and yon. At the very end of that week came another package -- this time from best buddy Kymaera, who calls this cute shot of Makoto running like heck his "most expensive purchase while in Japan." Suuuure it was! :P

Made it here

The copyright for all character images is held by their respective creators.
Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.